White Plastic Card

White plastic cards are made from high quality PVC, white plastic cards are not only beautiful but also bring convenience and wide applicability. In this article, 24h barcode will introduce white plastic cards and why it has become a popular product in many different fields.

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White plastic cards are made from high quality PVC, white plastic cards are not only beautiful but also bring convenience and wide applicability. In this article, 24h barcode will introduce white plastic cards and why it has become a popular product in many different fields.

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White plastic card


What is a White Plastic Card?

White plastic card is a type of card made from white PVC, with diverse sizes and shapes. PVC material is durable, beautiful and easy to print on, making white plastic cards a good choice for many uses. The white plastic card can have images, writing or barcodes printed on its surface, making it an effective advertising, identification or access control tool.


Fields where white plastic card printers are often present

Employee cards and store cards: White plastic cards are often used as identification cards for employees in companies, stores, restaurants and hotels. This helps create consistency and easily identify employees.

Membership cards for clubs and organizations: Sports clubs, gyms, libraries, and other organizations often use white plastic cards to identify members and control access.

Membership cards for entertainment centers and events: Events such as fairs, concerts, or entertainment centers often use white plastic cards as tickets or membership cards.

Gift and promotional cards: White plastic cards can be used as an effective marketing medium for gift or promotional campaigns. They can have logos, promotional messages or discount codes printed on the surface.

Product information tags: In retail environments, white plastic tags are often attached to products to provide specific information about the product, price, and barcode.

Many other fields: Depending on the user's needs.

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Multi-use white plastic card


Benefits of White Plastic Cards

Diverse designs: White plastic cards have dimensions of 54 x 85.5mm and many different designs, from membership cards to cards used as event tickets.

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Dimensions 54 x 85.5mm

Convenient printing: White PVC easily prints images, text and barcodes, allowing you to create unique and professional designs.

Durable and water-resistant: White plastic cards are usually very durable, not easily torn or damaged. They are also water resistant, allowing use in a variety of weather conditions.

Environmentally friendly products: Some white plastic cards are made from recycled plastic, helping to minimize environmental impact.



Card size: 54 x 85.5mm

2-sided white card, rounded 4 corners
