Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Supermarkets are one of the most complex and competitive industries. To succeed and remain competitive, supermarkets need to optimize inventory management, increase accuracy in recording merchandise, and improve customer experience. One of the powerful tools to achieve this is the barcode solution. Here are the important factors to consider to apply a barcode solution to the supermarket system effectively and professionally.

In Stock


Supermarkets are one of the most complex and competitive industries. To succeed and remain competitive, supermarkets need to optimize inventory management, increase accuracy in recording merchandise, and improve customer experience. One of the powerful tools to achieve this is the barcode solution. Here are the important factors to consider to apply a barcode solution to the supermarket system effectively and professionally.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Barcode Solutions


The reasons why the management of the supermarket system is not effective

Incorrect inventory management: Manual inventory recording becomes prone to errors and errors. This can lead to understocking or excess inventory, which increases costs and reduces profits.

Difficulties in tracking goods: It becomes difficult to track the history and location of goods. This may cause the loss of products, or cause loss of time in finding and locating goods.

Slow and troublesome payment process: During the checkout process, it can make the payment process delayed and troublesome for customers. Having to check prices and product information manually can create long queues at the checkout.

Lack of real-time data: Reduce the ability to have real-time information about supermarket operations. This makes it difficult to make decisions and anticipate customer needs.

Ineffective HR Management: Makes personnel management more complicated. Keeping track of work time, performance, and work schedules becomes more difficult and can lead to inefficiencies in managing employees.

Unable to optimize the process: Notonly can it optimize inventory management processes, but it also allows other processes to be optimized such as ordering, sorting goods, and tracking sales.

Difficulties in managing expiry date: Difficulty in tracking and managing the shelf life of products, resulting in obsolete inventory.

Decreased customer engagement: The difficulty of creating promotions, managing membership cards, or tracking customer shopping history that barcodes can support.

Low accuracy in cargo labeling: Recording information about goods by hand can lead to errors and low accuracy, especially when there are large quantities of products to manage.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Managing the supermarket system manually faces many difficulties


What is a barcode?

A barcode is a system that encodes information in the form of sequences of numbers or series of black and white bars for the purpose of identifying a product or specific information about that object. Barcodes are widely used in trade, cargo management, and other applications to track and manage information about products, goods, or other objects.

Barcodes are usually created by using characters, such as numeric codes, library codes, or product codes, and denoting them as numbers or black and white bars on a label or product packaging. Barcode readers, such as barcode scanners, are capable of reading information from a barcode and transmitting it to a computer system for data processing, such as looking up product information or managing warehouses.

There are different types of barcodes, such as EAN-13 codes, UPC codes, QR codes, Data Matrix codes, and many others, each of which is used for a specific purpose. Barcodes have become an important tool in information management and cargo tracking in trade, logistics, and many other fields.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system



The advantages of using barcodes for supermarket systems

Reduce errors and increase accuracy: Barcodes help reduce human errors during the recording and inventory of goods. Each product will be assigned a unique barcode, allowing supermarket staff to easily scan the code to confirm product and price information. This eliminates or minimizes errors in pricing calculations and inventory management, helping to minimize losses and increase accuracy in business operations.

Speed up the checkout process: Using barcodes allows supermarkets to speed up the checkout process for customers. Instead of having to scan each product one by one or type information into the system, cashier staff simply scan the barcode on the product to automatically enter the information. This reduces wait times for customers and creates a faster and more convenient shopping experience.

Effective inventory tracking: Barcodes allow supermarkets to track inventory more accurately and efficiently. When products are sold, the system automatically updates inventory information, helping to prevent shortages or excess inventory. This helps supermarkets optimize inventory management, reduce waste and increase profits.

Data analysis and smart decision making: Data from barcode management can be used to analyze customer shopping trends and make smart decisions about product upgrades, price optimization, and more effective advertising. The system can analyze inventory data to identify best-selling products and automatically place orders when needed, helping to ensure there is always enough stock for customers.

Ensure transparency and safety: Barcodes also play an important role in ensuring transparency and safety in the supply chain. It helps to trace the origin of products and check their legality, especially in cases where products need to be checked for food safety or quality.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Barcode supermarket system management brings many benefits


The process of applying barcode solutions to supermarket systems

Step 1: Choose barcode management software

Search and choose the barcode management software that suits the specific needs of the supermarket system.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Management software


Step 2: Choose a barcode printer, barcode scanner, printing paper, and barcode ink

Barcode Printer: Choose the right barcode printer for the needs of the supermarket system. This includes considering the size, print speed, and type of printer.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Choosing the right printer

Barcode Scanner: Barcode scanners are an important part of the cargo management process. Make sure you have chosen the right barcode scanner for your needs. Important factors include scanning speed, connection type (wired or wireless), and the ability to read specific types of barcodes.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Choose the type of barcode scanner

Barcode Paper: Choose the right barcode paper for the printer and intended use. Consider paper type (thermal or non-thermal), size, and format. Make sure the barcode paper meets quality standards to ensure clear and stable barcodes.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Select the type of printing paper

Barcode Ink: Choose the right barcode ink for your printer and paper. Make sure the ink has good adhesion on the printing paper to avoid fading, blurring, or fading the barcode.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Choosing the appropriate ink


Step 3: Selection of barcode design software

When choosing barcode design software, consider the following factors:

Design Features and Customization: The software should offer enough design and customization features so that you can create barcode labels that fit the specific design and product information.

Easy to Use and Barcode Creation: The software should have a user-friendly interface, be easy to use, and allow you to create barcodes easily. Consider both the ability to create single and batch barcodes, depending on your needs.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Bartender Software


Step 4: Assign barcodes to products

Attach a unique barcode to each product in your inventory. This barcode includes information about the product, such as product code, price, and origin information.

Barcode application solution for supermarket system

Manage products with barcodes


Step 5: Employee Guidance

Make sure supermarket employees are instructed on how to use barcode scanners and barcode management software.

Check to ensure accuracy in scanning codes and entering data.


Step 6: Experiment and adjust

Test the entire barcode system before widespread deployment. This includes checking the functionality of the scanner and software, as well as ensuring that the barcode is properly and sufficiently accurately mounted on the product.


Step 7: Deployment and monitoring

After successful testing, deploy the barcode system across the entire supermarket system.

Continuously monitor the operation of the system, fix errors and improve processes if necessary.


Step 8: Analytics and optimization

Use data from barcode systems to analyze performance and optimize business processes.

This includes tracking inventory, understanding customer shopping trends, and adjusting inventory and pricing management strategies.


Step 9: Evaluate and adjust

Periodically reevaluate the goals and purposes of using barcodes and adjust the strategy as needed.

This helps ensure that the barcode system always meets the changing needs of the supermarket system.


Contact Us

24h barcodes are a reliable partner in providing effective and useful solutions for your business. With our expertise and experience in the field of barcode management, we are committed to providing you with unique tools and services to enhance the performance and efficiency of your business operations. Join us in discovering new opportunities, optimizing processes and creating real value for your business through the use of barcodes.

Hotline: 0943993225 - 0907241800 - 0917382117
